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Americana News

July 2023 Newsletter

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Welcome Back!

Dear Americana Families,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year! As the new Principal of Americana Elementary School, I am looking forward to getting to know you and working together for a great school year.

This year I am fortunate to start my 18th year in Queen Bee School District 16. I served as a classroom teacher at Glenside Middle School, Assistant Principal at Americana Intermediate School, and Assistant Principal at Glenside Middle School. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the staff, students, and families in both buildings.

At Americana, our staff is committed to providing a nurturing environment for all our students, in partnership with our families and the community. We provide our students with access to educational opportunities that include a research-based curriculum with authentic literature and texts. A daily social-emotional curriculum helps our students become effective communicators and independent problem solvers. Americana students are exposed to a framework of growth mindset in order to assist them with academic stamina and perseverance. Our teachers differentiate learning in order to meet the diverse needs of our students, and challenge them to become their best selves on a daily basis.

We value consistent communication with parents and our community, and look forward to our next opportunity to partner or speak with you to ensure that your child has the most successful year possible. As Principal, I welcome your input and value our partnership so please feel free to contact me.

-Laura Marzullo

Contact Information


Americana Elementary School



Location: 1629 President Street, Glendale Heights, IL 60134

Phone: 630-260-6135

School Day Hours

Mondays-Fridays: 8:20AM-3:00PM

Half Days: 8:20AM-11:05AM

In order to have students safely in the building and ready to begin the school day, everyone must be in their classrooms by the 8:20AM school bell. Doors open at 8:00AM. When students arrive after the 8:15AM bell, they do not have enough time to be in their seats and ready to learn.

Important Dates

23-24 AM/GH Family Calendar Dates

23-24 AM/GH Family Calendar Dates

Important Glen Hill & Americana Dates August 17-Supply Drop Off 8:30-3:00 17-KDG Orientation 22-First Day of School (11:05 Dismissal) 23-First Full Day of School September 4-Labor Day-No School 7-Picture Day 13-Curriculum Night 15-SIP Day (11:05 Dismissal) 26-Parent ACCESS Info Night (AM)...

Looking for ways to get ready for school?

Click on the link below:


Summer Program.pdf                                                                    
Summer Resources  4.5 MB

Kindergarten Families Only - Save the Date

We will be welcoming our kindergarten families to Americana for a Kindergarten Orientation Event on August 17, 2023 at 6:00PM. We will share more information soon regarding the orientation.

All Americana Families
Please complete the following survey

Americana Daily Dismissal Plans 2023-2024

In order to make dismissal the most effective, please complete the following form no later than Tuesday, August 8. Please complete one form for each student you have enrolled at Americana Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year. The dismissal plan identified in this form will be used unless the office staff is notified directly about any changes.  

Arrival, Dismissal and Parking Loop Safety

Arrival Information:

  • Doors open at 8:00AM - Students can enter through Door 1 or Door 3.
  • School begins at 8:20AM - Students are in their seats and ready to learn.
  • If your child is arriving after 8:20AM, you must bring them into the building through Door 1 and sign them in with a secretary.
  • Drop-offs are through our parking loop only.

Dismissal Information:

  • Dismissal begins at 3:00PM.
  • Based on the dismissal survey, students are dismissed from various locations.
  • If there's any change in dismissal, call the office - please make these changes by 2:30PM.
  • Every family will receive a name card for their child, please present this name card while picking up your child (walker or car rider).

Car Loop Safety:

  • Have your child's name on display when going through the car loop.
  • Only left turns from President Street into the parking loop and only right turns out of the parking loop onto President Street.
  • Parents should remain in their vehicle at all times.

School Supply Lists

School Supply List for 2023-2024

Americana & Glen Hill School Supply List 2023-2024 ALL SUPPLIES MUST BE LABELED WITH THE CHILD'S NAME Please be aware that some supplies may need to be refilled throughout the year. Kindergarten 24 Yellow #2 pre-sharpened pencils 2 pink erasers 4 Boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 pack) 3 packs of  

SEL Spot

We use Second Step for our social emotional curriculum. The idea behind using a universal, classroom based curriculum is to help empower our students to learn to manage big feelings, problem solve with peers and adults, and learn skill necessary to learning. Each month, we will feature information about the topic our students are working on.

For our first month, our schoolwide theme is our school as a welcoming place where every student feels like he or she belongs. In our morning announcements and school assembly, we’ll be reminding students to welcome others and act and speak in safe, respectful, and responsible ways. In addition we’ll be reminding students of our school wide expectations: Caring, Responsible and Always Learning.

We’ll also begin teaching the Second Step program, which includes lessons that support these behaviors.

Support your child at home in welcoming others and acting and speaking in safe, respectful, and responsible ways. Please tell your student’s teacher if you have questions about specific ways you can help your child with these behaviors at home.

School Breakfast and Lunch Program Updates

We utilize My Meal Time for breakfast and lunches. We will offer breakfast and lunch choices to students at a cost. If you would like your student to purchase breakfast and/or lunch, you can set up your MealTime account. Once the new breakfast and lunch menus are finalized, we will share them with families. The new applications for free/reduced meals are now available on the Queen Bee website. We've included the links here as well.

My MealTime 

Glenbard Parent Series

Join other families of elementary school, middle school and high schoolers, and professionals to learn about issues facing today’s youth. The Glenbard Parent Series engages top experts, parents and school staff to become proactive and informed in pursuit of the mutual goal to strengthen our communities. Events will be held virtually unless noted. Programs are free and open to the public. Click on the link below for upcoming events.

Glenbard Parent Series Click here for upcoming speakers for the Glenbard Parent Series